Do you need counseling and / or psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is intended for adults as well as children and adolescents!

Occasionally we all get to the point in our lives when we want and need professional help, we want to talk to someone we trust and with whom we feel comfortable and that is why it is important to find an adequate professional.


Often the decision to go to psychotherapy or counseling is the hardest part of the process!
If you find out about it, it is the first positive step, because it shows readiness to face life’s difficulties and motivation to solve them.



It is important to take the first step, so contact us for online counseling and / or psychotherapy

Do You Need a Help?

I have both daytime and evening office hours available.

Psychotherapy is not just a job. It’s a call!


It’s something you believe in, love, live, connect with and where you learn every day. Every day you learn and develop as a person but also as a professional. You change with your clients and all the life stories you hear from them. Each touches you and you are there with respect, discovering forgotten resources, respecting and appreciating, watching how change is possible and admiring human resilience.

I build a relationship of trust and respect with clients, but above all we build a safe space for everything that needs to be heard, seen and shared. I don’t have a magic wand although sometimes we imagine the world would be different if we had it in our hands. The magic is in us and is created through active effort in mental health. By working together, we discover what prevents clients from using their capacities to overcome problems, crises and challenges. My strength, as a psychotherapist, is a sincere interest in each being and its soul, empathy, respect and patience to find together the ways that are best for the client.

I believe that each of us is valuable and unique, that each relationship is special, and each family has its own life story that it seeks to tell. I rely on personal experience but also on the wide range of psychotherapeutic approaches available to me to find the best approach for each client. How long the psychotherapeutic process will last depends on many factors, on the specifics of the situation you are in, on motivation, on the challenges that surround you, on the Support System, the complexity of the problem or trauma, etc. My basic starting point is to experience you now and here, in current life situations and relationships in which you are dysfunctionally involved, and you do not know how to move forward. Although symptoms are important, the focus is always on you as a complete person, as well as on the family, social or professional relationships you live in that contribute to maintaining or resolving problems.

Through psychotherapeutic work, I help clients to more adequately solve and overcome various life problems and crises, such as anxiety, depression, marital problems, conflicts in interpersonal relationships, parenting and developmental crises, problems at work, etc. If you decide to work on models and schemes that are no longer functional or supporting psychotherapeutic work, it is longer and more comprehensive.

Experiences of service users

“Dugo sam razmišljala o odlasku kod psihoterapeuta, jer mi se dešavalo često da imam oscilacije u raspoloženjima. Tek kad sam doživjela prvi napad panike obratila sam se psihoterapeutu, a ona mi je pomogla da promijenim svoj mindset, da se nosim stojicki sa životnim situacijama, da naučim da se manje brinem i da volim sebe! Jedina stvar za koju mogu reci da “žalim” jeste ta što joj se nisam ranije obratila, jer mentalno zdravlje treba njegovati kao i sve ostalo.”

I.K. 29

I.K. 29

“Kroz terapiju sam shvatio koliko nam je svima nekad potrebna pomoć da organizujemo svoje misli i razmišljanja. I koliko znači kada neko objektivan može da pomogne u tome i da nas natjera da se suočimo sa stvarima s kojima se ne želimo suočiti. I da ih onda lakše prevaziđemo.”

P.H. 32

P.H. 32

”Za mene je psihoterapija jedna od boljih stvari koju sam sebi priuštila. Najlakše bih rekla da sam uz pomoć nje postala više svoja nego što sam ikada bila. Ušla sam u ravnotežu sa svojim mislima, počela sebe više da cijenim, postala snažnija. Za svaku preporuku čak i onda kada mislite da nemate problem, ako je to uopšte moguće.”

M.Z. 26

”U početku sam imala nedoumice o svemu i bilo mi je malo tesko da se otvorim i pričam o sebi ali tek sad vidim da mi je to samo pomoglo i naučilo mnogim stvarima. Psihoterapija mi je pomogla da bolje upoznam sebe, svoja osjećanja, misli i ponašanje. A ono što je bolje od toga naučila me je kako da to sve kontrolišem kada mi je to potrebno. Osjećam se puno moćnije sa svojim mislima i ponašanjem nakon samo nekoliko seansi. Svi oni koji misle da bi im pomoglo, u pravu ste!”

A.D. 27

“Meni kao roditelju je to značilo puno, jer je moje dijete ojačalo i zadržalo svoje samopouzdanje. Sretna sam jer je uz pomoć ovih divnih ljudi moje dijete sretno!”

A.Z. 55

Why contact?


There are a number of reasons to consult a specialist or psychotherapist.

Here are some of them:

  • every time you feel a stalemate in personal development whether on an emotional, social, family or business level;
  • when you have mood swings, symptoms of depression, panic attacks, unadjusted reactions;
  • when you face life crises, losses, divorces, change of residence;
    when you enter new roles – starting study, new job, marriage, pregnancy, parenting;
  • when your child has a problem adjusting to school, whether it is behavior or mastering school material;
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Individual, Couples and Family Counseling.

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Psychotherapy available in BHS and English

     Psychotherapy Mirjana Gavrić

      [email protected]

      +387 66 805-942

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